Carte da Poker Chats Gatti Heron De Luxe, da Collezione

Prezzo incl. IVA 22% (22%) 8,65€
In magazzino: 2 disponibili
Dettagli del prodotto

Carte da Poker Chats Gatti Heron. Jeu de 54 Cartes Poker De Luxe Chats Gatti Heron 54200219 Aquarelle Peinture Bernard Vercruyce. Splendide carte da poker. Bernard Vercruyce è nato a Reims, Francia,nel 1949. Ha iniziato a dipingere imitando il nonno. Bernard è un appassionato dei gatti, ne ha ben 17. Moltissime sue opere riproducono questi felini.

Il mazzo è composto da 52 carte + 2 jolly. Indice dei semi standard.

Materiale: carta plastificata.

Dimensioni: cm 9 x 6.


Poker Cards Chats Heron Cats. Jeu de 54 Cartes Poker De Luxe Chats Gatti Heron 54200219 Aquarelle Peinture Bernard Vercruyce. Gorgeous poker cards. Bernard Vercruyce was born in Reims, France, in 1949. He began painting by imitating his grandfather. Bernard is passionate about cats, he has 17 of them. Many of his works reproduce these felines.

The deck is made up of 52 cards + 2 jokers. Standard seed index.

Material: laminated paper.

Dimensions: 9 x 6 cm.

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Carte da Poker Chats Gatti Heron De Luxe, da Collezione
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